
Kim Junsu - The Xia Photobook

Item: Kim Junsu - The Xia Photobook
Package: Photobook, Other Official Items
Version: Korea
Release Date: 25/03/2025
Weight: 1500g

Price: RM 205.00  This item is eligible for Free Shipping within Malaysia. Read Payment/Shipping for more information. 
Sarawak & Sabah: + RM 15.00  Additional shipping cost needed for shipping to Sarawak and Sabah. Read Payment/Shipping for more information. 

Note1: This album available in 5 different versions; A, B, C, D and E. Kindly remark your preferred version in Order Form. Random version shipped if preferred version sold out.

Note2: Price/Weight listed is estimation only. Price adjustment may occur due to latest exchange rate or after actual shipping weight confirmed.

Note3: If your interested album is not listed here, kindly email us and we will search the album for you.
